AWDF’s Grantees Recognition Survey forms part of its monitoring, evaluation and learning instruments used to access and ascertain the profound impact grantees are making in the lives of women and the continent at large. The survey showcases the recognition/awards received by AWDF’s grantees and also highlights the role AWDF played. With a mandate to fund in all 54 African countries, AWDF has provided grants and technical support to over 1300 women’s organisations in 42 out of the 54 countries since the beginning of its operation in 2001. These organisations are contributing to the improved living conditions of beneficiaries, increased recognition and inclusion of women’s rights issues in the development agenda and the continuous struggle for social justice in their communities. By doing this they have earned recognition, awards and influence in their localities / communities, countries, in the continent and beyond. These recognitions come in various forms and AWDF systematically tracks and documents such recognitions/awards annually. For this purpose, online questionnaires were sent to 123 organisations in 17 countries (100 organisations in 12 Anglophone countries and 23 organisations in 5 Francophone countries) who were supported with grants of $5,000 and above in 2015. A detailed findings of the analysis of the survey are presented in the full document below.