Archives dans la catégorie: groupe blog News

Women’s Learning Partnership’s Gender Based Violence Film Screenings

#129311400 / In observance of the global 16 Days of Activism to End Gender Based Violence campaign the Women’s Learning Partnership is hosting a free online screening of two short films on eliminating gender based violence around the world. The screenings will also be interactive, allowing the audience to share their thoughts and reactions via chat. Le […]

Un nouveau genre de danse: Lancement de livre soutenu par AWDF

Thrown in at the deep end of the campaign process in Nigeria’s 2011 elections, Amina Salihu was without amanualon how to organise women or a campaign. This book is a narrative of the effort to bring years of civil society learning to bear on the field of practical politics. It takes a keen […]

Le WHEAT Trust lance FemPress

The WHEAT Trust, a grantee partner of AWDF, will launch FemPress, a publishing house to amplify the visibility of grassroots women and their stories next month.   I am the Rose If you are in the Cape Town (SA) area, join the December 2nd launch festivities which include the unveiling of I am the Rose, […]

Governments Must Re-Dedicate to Women’s & GirlsRights Commitments

Press Release November 17, 2014 For Immediate Release Women’s rights organizations meeting in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from 14-16 November have called on African governments to re-dedicate themselves to upholding national, regional and international laws and policies that advance women’s rights and gender equality on universal human rights standards already agreed upon and protect them […]

Déclaration de position des OSC africaines pour Pékin +20

African women have been at the forefront of shaping the global agenda for women’s rights from the 3rd World Conference on Women in Nairobi in 1985 that resulted in theNairobi Forward Looking Strategies”.   The 4th World Conference on Women held in Beijing in 1995 was chaired by a prominent African woman, Mme. Gertrude […]

Lettres du sol: Les organisations de femmes réagissent à Ebola

At the African Women’s Development Fund (Rapport Annuel ), we are actively working with women’s organisations on the ground to respond to the ebola crisis. Members of our Grants department correspond with partner networks each week who are responding to community needs by amplifying accurate information about the virus and viable prevention methods, particularly to remote communities. […]

DANS LA PAUSE: AWDF s'associe à des bénéficiaires en réponse à Ebola

Schools are closed. The economy has declined. Hospitals are refusing people who are sick for fear of ebola. Women are especially affected because they tend to be the breadwinners for the family. We no longer have long hours of work. Our rights are limited and the future of our children is at stake. -Miata Kiazolu […]

Action Aid International: Appel à chercheurs

ACTION RESEARCH ON THE CURRENT AND POTENTIAL IMPACT OF THE OIL INDUSTRY ON COMMUNITIES IN KENYA AND UGANDA Time frame: Novembre 2014 - Février 2015 CALL FOR RESEARCHERS ActionAid International is seeking qualified and experienced researchers to carry out action research on the current and potential impact of the oil (exploration/extraction/production) industry on communities in […]