I was reading through some of the notes I took at the 2nd African Feminist Forum recently held in Kampala, Uganda and just have to share some of the great quotes which struck me (some funny, some spot on, some simply controversial…’ Enjoy!
‘Feminism is like Christianity, you have to convert people.’ Hope Chigudu quoted by Dr Hilda Tadria
‘Retired, still not tired’ Dr Hilda Tadria
‘Many of us have learnt to settle for the world as it is, not the world that ought to be’ Michelle Obama quoted by Dr Hilda Tadria
‘Integrity is what you do when no one is watching’ Rotary speaker quoted by Dr Hilda Tadria
‘Have you ever heard of inviting your oppressor to join you? In every sense of the word they have screwed us up’. Solome Nakaweesi Kimbugwe
‘If someone hasn’t felt how it feels to eat last, to work more and to earn less how do you expect them to support you…’ Solome Nakaweesi Kimbugwe
‘Arguments below the waist beads…a kick in the ovum’s’ Zeedah
‘Patriarchy is a system so men are not the enemy’ Pregs Govender
Nana Sekyiamah
Programme Officer
Fundraising & Communications