We are excited to announce the publication of Feminist Africa Issue 22, a collection of essays, opinion pieces and artistic reflections on feminist organising across the African continent. This special edition was produced through a collaboration between Feminist Africa and the African Women’s Development Fund. The content germinated out of conversations at the 4th African Feminist Forum, organised by AWDF in Zimbabwe in 2017. This collection aims to articulate the priorities, concerns and collective aspirations of contemporary feminist activists and organisers from various parts of the continent. The special edition, titled Feminists Organising: Strategy, Voice, Power was produced with editorial direction from Guest Editor Charmaine Pereira, Feminist Africa editors Jane Bennett and Amina Mama, and AWDF staff Sionne Neely and Jessica Horn. As you read, we invite you to consider some of the crucial questions offered in the journal’s editorial introduction by Charmaine Pereira: How has contemporary feminist organising in Africa addressed the nexus of strategy, voice and power? How have feminists in Africa organised and what are the ends to which feminist organising is directed? What strategies are used to pursue which goals and what trajectories of change are envisaged? How do we effect change within ourselves, even as we strive to change relations and conditions at local, national, regional, and/or global levels?
We hope this edition engenders deep critical reflection for readers, as we move towards our collective feminist futures!
Click here for the New Edition: Here