Archives in the category: Uncategorized

Leading from the South : Appel à Projets

L’AWDF a le plaisir de lancer un premier appel à projets dans le cadre du financement “Leading From the South”. Pendant les 4 prochaines années, l’AWDF aura non seulement à appuyer les organisations et réseaux de défense des droits des femmes mais aussi à élargir son mandat d’octroi de subventions pour inclure quelques pays du […]

Join in the Conversation: The African Diaspora Women’s Forum

THE FOUNDATION for Women’s Health Research and Development (FORWARD) and The Girl Generation will be holding the second African Diaspora Women’s forum on Saturday 10 December at London’s Rich Mix venue in Bethnal Green. The event will be a gathering of some of the most influential women in the African women’s rights movement and African […]

Farewell to Joana Foster.

It is with great sorrow that the Board and Staff of the African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF) informs our friends and stakeholders of the death of Joana Silochina Foster, a co-founder of AWDF. She passed away peacefully on Saturday, 5 November 2016, after a long battle with cancer. A long time African feminist and social […]

Solidarity in word and deed: Translating the African Feminist Charter

Author: Jessica Horn, AWDF Director of Programmes It may seem odd to be excited about a publication. However the story of the translation of the Charter of Feminist Principles for African Feminists begs recounting as a tale of inspired collective action. The Charter itself was developed by the African Feminist Forum Working Group in 2006 […]

The News

AWID Forum – Bahia, Brazil The African Women’s Development fund participated in this year’s AWID Forum. Members of our organisation were present on several panels, and helped carry the voices of African Women to the discussions in Bahia, Brazil. The conference took place from the 8—11 September, with the Black Feminisms Pre-Forum taking place from […]