$25,000 to support the organization of the Second National Feminist Forum in 2011 in Lagos. The Forum is intended to provide space for women to demand justice for unfavourable situations, influence policies and legislations in Nigeria.
$20,000 to select and reward brilliant young women achievers in the field of new media; and to make a documentary of the award ceremony for dissemination and to translate the documentary into 3 languages.
$1,000 to organize sensitization meetings; print and distribute IEC materials and to air gender based violence issues on the radio.
$20,000 to collate and document the contributions of Right Honourable Joyce Banda to the empowerment of women and rural communities in Malawi over a 20 year period
$15000 is recommended as AWDF’s contribution for the construction and furnishing of a memorial library in honour of the late Dolphine M. A. Okech.
$10,000 to support African women’s efforts at creating an impact on the processes and outcomes of the Beijing +15 review and the 2010 CSW 54th Session.
$1,000 to undertake a community based campaign in six slum areas of Kisumu. The theme for the campaign is ‘Family Efforts Against Gender Based Violence’ as a community based strategy for addressing gender based violence issues.
$40,000 to collect and analyze the history of FEMNET and its contribution to the women’s movement in Africa, its gains and challenges. The information will be compiled into a book that will be disseminated as part of strategic information on African women’s development, equality and human rights to enhance advocacy efforts around gender.
$5,000 to set up a revolving loan scheme for group members as well as to train members and executives in group dynamics, business and credit management. This will enable women with hearing impairment to increase their knowledge and capital base to improve upon their businesses and household income.
$30,000 to support the skills training of members in diverse vocations including hairdressing, dressmaking, catering and food processing. Beneficiaries will be provided with startup capital upon completion. Part of the funds will also be used to set up a production unit at the WUAAG multi-purpose centre. The provision of skills training to these women living […]