Girls Empowerment Network (Malawi)
$20,000 to support business skills development for women.
$20,000 to support business skills development for women.
$12,000 to work with teenagers especially teenage mothers and street hawkers to mitigate the spread of HIV/AIDS.
$10,000 to train peer educators and set up HIV prevention and anti-teenage pregnancy clubs in schools in Voinjama District, Lofa County – Liberia.
$30,000 to support the adaptation of the Women Situation Room (WSR) in 2 African countries during electoral processes, as well as create a documentation facility that will document the evolution and experience of the WSR.
$5,000 to provide 30 unemployed selected women with skills in tailoring and tie and dye making.
$10,000 to provide income generating skills to selected women and girls.
$30,000 to support a planned regional workshop on EAC trade policy and customs regulations in March 2013.
$15,000 to build the capacity of women in the Kisumu County Assembly to advocate for gender sensitive policies and to champion the rights of women as they participate effectively in the county governance structure.
$90,000 over 3 years to train a total of 9 young professional women in peace and security in Africa.
$12,000 to build the leadership of sex worker groups to lead the campaign for the respect of the rights of sex workers; provide an alternate means of income earning opportunities for selected interested sex workers.