Archives in the category: thematic areas

Busia Foundation International (BFI)

$20,000 to make a documentary on the life and works of Mrs Naa-Morkor Busia, dubbed‘Portrait of a First Lady’. Part of the funds was to support a photo exhibition of her life and works as the wife of a Prime Minister. This is part of the process of celebrating women and raising the voices of […]

Akua Kuenyehia Foundation

$20,000 to support staffing and administrative needs of the organization and also to support its scholarship scheme for girls’ education.

Association of EgyptianFemaleLawyers (AEFL)

$10,000 to establish a legal support unit which will provide legal assistance to deprived women and girls without charge. The centre will provide legal consultations for women with regard to the laws of marriage, divorce and alimony.

SOS Femmes Danger

$1,000 to organize an awareness creation programme on gender based violence, including a peace march

Forum des EducatricesAfricaines de la RDC, FAWE RDC

$8,000 to create awareness on HIV and violence against women issues in 15 public schools in Kitwik in DRC. The grant will also be used to conduct voluntary HIV screening to student in those schools. This grant will go a long way to sensitize female students on HIV&AIDS and to encourage them to subscribe to […]

Voix de sans VoixniLiberte (VOVOLIB)

$8,000 to produce radio programmes, train women leaders on women’s rights issues and create awareness on sexual violence among project community. The project will educate women on their rights and the mechanisms in place to protect those rights in the DRC, a country which has been devastated by armed conflicts and where sexual violence has […]

Actions Pour La Réinsertion Sociale de la Femme (ARSF)

$8,000 to set up and equip a literacy centre in Mwenga in DRC. The Mwenga community is highly deprived with a high illiteracy rate. Radio programmes on women’s rightswill be used to supplement the adult literacy programme as a means of boosting the status of women in the community.