Archives in the category: thematic areas

Foundation for Integrated Development (FID/SL)

$20,000 to complement the government of Sierra Leones’ Rural and Private Sector Project (RPSP) efforts to promote and empower the private sector including local farmers in the whole country.

Children Assistance Welfare (CAW)

$15,000 to complete the two year intensive integrated vocational training for 35 vulnerable girls (commercial sex workers, single mothers, school drop outs and widows) in tailoring, hairdressing, non-formal literacy education, psycho-social services including HIV&AIDS education and human rights education.

Konima Development Association

$4,000 to rehabilitate and modernize a dilapidated store used for the storing of grains and drying floor used as preservation facility for farm produce.

Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE- Senegal)

$20,000 to organise AWARE/OWARE games as a platform to facilitate activities around schools in Senegal to engage women and children to explore and challenge existing misconceptions and misinformation, stigma and stereotypes surrounding health and social issues.

International Centre for Reproductive Health and Sexual Rights (INCRESE)

$25,000 to provide women, girls, adolescents and LGBTI with information on sexual health and reproductive rights as well as leadership skills, counselling on sexuality related issues and safe home services for disadvantaged women in the sharia context where women do not have legal representation.