Archives in the category: thematic areas

Women’s Earth Alliance (WEA) Africa Program

$20,000 to support the organization of the 2011 East Africa Advanced and Grassroots Training Program in water, sanitation and climate change mitigation for grass root women in various communities.

Tugezeeku Women’s Group (TUWOG)

$10,000 to train 30 unemployed women in piggery management and pottery making and to provide startup capital for the beneficiaries to start business.

Kyarumba Catholic Widows Group

$3,000 to purchase tent, 100 plastic chairs, I video camera, 1 digital and 1 manual cameras to be used as an income earning equipment. The items will be rented out to generate income which will be reinvested into the group’s savings and credit scheme to support income generating activities of group members.

The 50/50 Group of Sierra Leone

$25,000 is recommended for the completion of the first phase of the 50/50 headquarters and leadership institute for the promotion of good governance in Sierra Leone

Minya Ntak Emadea – Multi Purpose Cooperation Society (MPCS)

$4,000 to establish a cassava processing centre and purchase a gari processing machine for women in IkotAbasi Local Government Area. The proposed project is intended to create livelihood opportunities for women and improve the market value of cassava to enable farmers earn more income.