$10,000 to reduce the incidences of violence by engaging rural and urban communities and youth in and out of school through public awareness and education on women’s human rights, HIV/AIDS, human trafficking and sexual reproductive health and rights.
$10,000 to support the establishment of forum for women small scale farmers and women farm workers, to facilitate training and exchanges around value adding options and agro-processing of primary produce. Part of the grant was earmarked to establish seed banks and undertake farmer-to-farmer extension/exchanges to share experiences and practices.
$20,000 to empower young girls and women to play active role in climate change mitigation as well as develop sustainable skills for economic security.
$20,000 to produce regular quarterly journals to create a platform for feminist discourse, a space for academics and activists to share information on gender equality and inequality, and showcase initiatives by men to build gender equality and challenge discrimination.
$12,000 to set up a small office where artists can meet regularly to mentor and share experiences.
$10,000 to create HIV&AIDS awareness amongst young rural women who leave their families in the pastoral plains in search of better livelihoods in the surrounding villages doing menial work such as house maids.
$15,000 to organize educational activities for selected women in 10 communities on conflict resolution skills and peace building.
$20,000 to complement the government of Sierra Leones’ Rural and Private Sector Project (RPSP) efforts to promote and empower the private sector including local farmers in the whole country.
$15,000 to complete the two year intensive integrated vocational training for 35 vulnerable girls (commercial sex workers, single mothers, school drop outs and widows) in tailoring, hairdressing, non-formal literacy education, psycho-social services including HIV&AIDS education and human rights education.
$4,000 to rehabilitate and modernize a dilapidated store used for the storing of grains and drying floor used as preservation facility for farm produce.