Femmes Initiatives Developpement (FID)
$15,000 to purchase office equipment (a computer, a scanner and a digital camera), to pay 4 staff salaries and office rent for a period of one year.
$15,000 to purchase office equipment (a computer, a scanner and a digital camera), to pay 4 staff salaries and office rent for a period of one year.
$15,000 to purchase and install a chilli hot pepper and peanut butter sauce making machines for the Dego Boka Halat Women Association and train the women farmers in chilli and peanut sauce production.
$30,000 to support a planned regional workshop on EAC trade policy and customs regulations scheduled to take place in March 2013.
$25,000 to officially launch the fully fledged Tanzania Women’s Fund which has been operating since 2008.
$20,000 to promote access to justice for rural women in Morogoro district.
$25,000 to conduct a workshop for community caregivers to be empowered on treatment literacy. 40 community caregivers will be trained on PMTCT Option B+.
$20,000 as AWDF’s contribution towards counselling, education and paralegal services.
$10,000 to provide counselling support, shelter, court and paralegal support to victims of violence.
$20,000 to advocate for the integration of cervical cancer treatment into HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment policies as a result of the high number of women living with HIV reporting cases of cervical cancer.
$15,000 to work with a group of 25 widows in each of eight townships across Gauteng Province in monthly forums that provides a space to explore the stigma faced by widows in poor communities and to equip the widows with knowledge and skills to counter stigma related to HIV & AIDS.