Peace and Unity Co-operative Traders Society Limited
$ 4,000 to expand its current revolving loan scheme and to support six young women to undergo vocational training, after which startup capital was provided.
$ 4,000 to expand its current revolving loan scheme and to support six young women to undergo vocational training, after which startup capital was provided.
$5,000 to expand its current revolving loan scheme to include more women farmers to expand their farms and trading activities.
$3,000 to organize business management, record keeping and group dynamics training for Kese Wokan and the other four grantees of AWDF in the Mpohor Wassa West District in the Central Region of Ghana.
$ 4,000 to purchase materials used in training 50 unemployed women in cake making, floral décor and catering at its training Centre.
$4,000 to undertake intensive reproductive health and sexuality education in 4 selected schools within three communities.
$25,000 to construct a Women’s Memory Lane to market and celebrate the works of women visual artists.
$30,000 to implement a project that seeks to reduce child trafficking and violation of women’s rights in the project communities.
$25,000 to support a special workshop on women and the music industry and women artists participating in the 2012 High Vibes Music Festival.
$1,000 to improve HIV knowledge among women workers on flower farms in Lume district of Oromia region of Ethiopia as part of the 2012 World AIDS Day celebrations.
$20,000 to train and equip 30 selected women in tailoring from 3 administrative districts in 3 sub-cities of Addis Ababa to produce eco-friendly bags for sale; equip the trainees with start-up capitals. Part of the grant is for administrative costs.