Archives in the category: thematic areas

Centre for Community Empowerment (CECOE)

$1,000 to develop and install 10 metal bill boards with Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV messages in advantageous locations in the target community.

Kenya Network of Women with AIDS (KENWA)

$15,000 to provide sustainable income base for women living with HIV&AIDS; provide vocational training for young women into transactional sex trade and build the capacity of 30 women leaders in support groups of women living with HIV&AIDS.

Kiambu People Living with HIV/AIDS Self Help Group (KIPEWA)

$15,000 to strengthen the home based care project through a refresher course for the care givers and a revolving loan scheme to strengthen their economic base. Part of the funds was earmarked to provide life skills for out of school girls.

Ogiek Peoples Development Program (OPDP)

$10,000 to train selected number of women in Nessuit, Ndungulu, Sasimwani and Ololuluga in best poultry rearing practices and management, and a poultry rearing project set up for the trained women in the four communities. Part of the grant was earmarked for institutional support.

Socioserve-Ghana (SSG)

$1,000 to use sports (football, tug of peace, cycle) to educate the youth on HIV&AIDS issues especially in relation to Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV.

Human Care and Maintenance Foundation (HUCAM)

$1,000 to organize a symposium on HIV stigma & discrimination; train advocates as volunteers to carry out HIV prevention advocacy activities in the communities; to promote health and the adoption of safer sexual practices among vulnerable groups (PLHIV, Truck pushers, kayaye (female head porters) and long distance drivers).