Tubahumurize Association
$9,000 to provide micro credit to 20 women survivors of genocide and to train them in basic accounting and small scale business management.
$9,000 to provide micro credit to 20 women survivors of genocide and to train them in basic accounting and small scale business management.
$40,000 to support the 2013 edition of the Gender is my Agenda Campaign including ensuring the participation of the youth; Part of the grant was used to complete the FAS 2013-2017 Strategic Plan.
$10,000 to support the convening of the Fifth Annual West African Women’s Policy Forum held on November 5 & 6th, 2012 in Freetown Sierra Leone.
$50,000 to carry out a research on governance, peace and security leading to 3 publications; To expand ALC’s ICT platform; To support institutional visits for 4 fellows
$30,000 to support the organization of the International Workshop on Resource Mobilization (IWRM Africa) in Kampala – Uganda from 27 – 30 November 2012.
$1,000 to organize awareness campaigns through radio phone-in programs at three different local radio stations for 15 days and round the programs up with a rally.
$15,000 to use radio (Ray Power National Broadcast) to educate the public on issues of gender based violence; to organize a workshop to strengthen the capacity of selected local civil society organizations in Nigeria to be actively engaged in designing and implementing programs towards eradicating GBV in Nigeria. Part of the grant was earmarked for […]
$20,000 to train TBAs (traditional birth attendants), PHEW (Public Health Workers), CHEW (Community Health Workers) and midwives from 3 selected Local Government Areas (LGA) in issues of FGM and counselling as well as to organize awareness creation activities to educate communities on issues of FGM.
$8,000 to organize training in sexual and reproductive health issues for adolescent peer educators in selected second cycle schools in Abia North Senatorial District of Nigeria.
$1,000 to provide 100 women of reproductive age with comprehensive HIV prevention messages with emphasis on PMTCT; facilitate HIV counselling and testing among women of reproductive age and encourage/support early Ante Natal Care enrolment for the uptake of PMTCT services through traditional birth attendants (TBA).