Archives in the category: thematic areas

National Elections Systems Trust (NEST)

$20,000 to undertake series of educational and advocacy activities to improve public political interaction for female leaders in order to build, maintain and sustain their visibility, image and public trust.

The African Leadership Centre

$30,000 to assist in funding the participation of young African women in the African Leadership centre, their placements in feminist organisations and mentoring by feminist leaders.

People and Passion Consult

$15,000 to mobilize grassroots women to actively participate in the 2011 local level elections in 8 Local Government Areas (Zaria, SabonGari, Kudan, Makarfi, Ikara, Kubau, Soba and Lere) of Kaduna State.

Women Peace and Security Network-Africa (WIPSEN-Africa)

$20,000 to support capacity building in leadership development, peace and security for Liberian refugee girls in the Buduburam refugee camp in Ghana; to support WIPSEN-Africa’s overhead costs including the payment of rent.

Women in Peace Building Movement

$12,000 to organize a training workshop in conflict prevention, early warning systems and non violent strategies in conflict resolution for women leaders & youth activists from identified conflict prone communities. Also to be trained are the women in peace building coalition in the project area.

RoyalsHealth Organization (ROHEO)

$12,000 to organize a leadership training for selected community women and development income earning projects for rural women. The project will empower women to stand for and win elections to increase their participation in the decision making processes at the local level for a better society.

Children Care Development Organization (CCDO)

$15,000 to enable the organization to undertake series of capacity development activities to ensure that more women develop interest and participate in local governance structures and processes.