Archives in the category: thematic areas

Development Gender Network (DGN)

$10,000 to provide psychosocial and legal assistance to survivors of rape and women living positively in Sisonke and Amathole municipalities.

Positive Women’s Network

$2,700 to enable its Executive Director (Prudence Mabele) to attend and present a paper at the International AIDS Conference.

Rural Women’s Movement (RWM)

$15,000 to promote and support women’s effective participation in traditional councils through intensive training for women councillors and some traditional leaders.

T. O. M Pictures

$30,000 to support women in the arts through the organization of one intensive rehearsal and workshop for a feature film called ‘Tell me sweet something’.

Voice of the Somaliland’s Minority Women (VOSOMWO)

$15,000 to organize a 3 day national workshop to educate the minority women on leadership issues and the need to actively participate in the forthcoming Municipal and Parliamentary elections in Somaliland in 2012.

Save Somali Women and Children (SSWC)

$10,000 to organize two training workshops and one follow up workshop each for selected women conflict management practitioners and passive victims engaging with conflict in Somalia.

Campaign for Good Governance

$25,000 to implement a project titled “Creating a conducive and safe environment for women’s participation in the November 2012 local government elections”.

“GBORTIMA” Women’s Development Association – GBOWODA

$12,000 to organize series of training and educational activities for selected women interested in politics and leadership; undertake advocacy activities to lobby district governing structures and political parties to involve women in leadership positions and all activities during the November 2012 elections.