Archives in the category: thematic areas

Assistance Plus Togo

$10,000 to train 200 rural women in fruits and vegetable preservation, to provide 10 solar dryers to 10 rural women’s groups in Kara and to equip project beneficiaries with marketing skills.

Youth Alliance – The Gambia

$1,000 to organize panel discussion for various stakeholders including faith based group leaders, the media, youth groups, community based organizations and women groups, to sensitize them on gender based violence through the use of regional and international mechanisms such as the African Charter Protocol on the Rights of Women in Africa, AU African Women Decade […]

Conscience International (CI)

$10,000 to train 30 community women based groups and 20 school teams in Greater Banjul and Western Region of the Gambia in peace building skills, democracy, gender equality and human rights issues.

Morogoro Development Organization (MODEO)

$10,000 to reach out to young people with disabilities and their parents/guardians with HIV&AIDS information and information on rights of people with disabilities.

Children Care Development Organization (CCDO)

$15,000 to enable the organization to undertake series of capacity development activities to ensure that more women develop interest and participate in local governance structures and processes.

Zenab for Women in Development

$30,000 to train 20 midwives from 10 rural villages scattered in Gadarif localities (East Sudan) on safe delivery practices, pre-natal and post-natal care, anti FGM and HIV&AIDS awareness, child care and nutrition education.