$1,000 to increase the capacity of the SWID drama group to reach 5 more sub-counties in the Jinja district to sensitize and educate those communities on issues pertaining to HIV/AIDS prevention and HIV stigma reduction.
$20,000 to train women leaders, orphans and vulnerable children from communities with a high prevalence of HIV&AIDS in the sub counties of Kitholu, Kisinga and Bugoye in Kasese district.
$10,000 to educate the community on HIV prevention activities especially aimed at the community taking HIV preventative steps and supporting people living with HIV&AIDS and Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC).
$15,000 to support 65 women living with HIV&AIDS and or Disabilities to improve their food security and livelihoods through poultry farming and vegetable farming.
$15,000 to form and train positive living clubs for all people receiving ART and palliative care, train family/household members in managing HIV in the household, train home care volunteers (Positive Living Club members) in integrated HIV/AIDS and malaria and hygiene promotion, link the trained volunteers to Village Health Teams to strengthen partnership with the government […]
$1,000 to support 2 drama groups to perform plays related to HIV/AIDS; play radio jingles and hold a radio talk show on HIV/AIDS on an FM Radio in the targeted areas; production of IEC Materials for education; conduct community awareness meetings on HIV/AIDS; conduct free HIV testing and counselling in collaboration with Rugazi Health Centers.
$12,000 to increase the capacity of 200 house-holds of vulnerable women to adequately care for Children with Disabilities (CWDs) infected/affected with HIV&AIDS through the provision of start-up capitals to create sustainable means of income.
$13,000 to empower the women living with HIV&AIDS to advocate for their rights and hold the government accountable for the commitment to fight HIV&AIDS in Uganda.
$14,000 to purchase equipment for harvesting and processing equipment and making candle out of the bee keeping project.
$18,000 to organize training workshop on savings and credit management, management of income generating activities for 20 women and girls with disabilities.