Archives in the category: thematic areas

Better Health Action Group Uganda (Better HAG Uganda)

$25,000 to support the implementation of a project geared towards responding to a range of human rights violations against women and girls in the selected 8 counties of Magale, Bumbo, Bupoto, Bumwoni, Bwabwala, Bukokho, Bututu and Tsekululu in Bubulo east constituency, Mbale-Manafwa district in Eastern Uganda.

Action for Rural Women’s Empowerment (ARUWE)

$7,000 to promote the use of modern contraceptives as protect against STIs and unwanted pregnancies. This will be done through orienting and expanding networks of village health teams and youth peer educators to deliver basic reproductive health knowledge at the community level.

Slum Women’s Initiative for Development (SWID)

$1,000 to increase the capacity of the SWID drama group to reach 5 more sub-counties in the Jinja district to sensitize and educate those communities on issues pertaining to HIV/AIDS prevention and HIV stigma reduction.

Muzigiti Rural Women Development Association

$10,000 to educate the community on HIV prevention activities especially aimed at the community taking HIV preventative steps and supporting people living with HIV&AIDS and Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC).

Families in Development Organization (FIDO)

$15,000 to form and train positive living clubs for all people receiving ART and palliative care, train family/household members in managing HIV in the household, train home care volunteers (Positive Living Club members) in integrated HIV/AIDS and malaria and hygiene promotion, link the trained volunteers to Village Health Teams to strengthen partnership with the government […]

Community Volunteer Initiative for Development (COVOID)

$1,000 to support 2 drama groups to perform plays related to HIV/AIDS; play radio jingles and hold a radio talk show on HIV/AIDS on an FM Radio in the targeted areas; production of IEC Materials for education; conduct community awareness meetings on HIV/AIDS; conduct free HIV testing and counselling in collaboration with Rugazi Health Centers.

Center for Disability and Rehabilitation Uganda

$12,000 to increase the capacity of 200 house-holds of vulnerable women to adequately care for Children with Disabilities (CWDs) infected/affected with HIV&AIDS through the provision of start-up capitals to create sustainable means of income.