Archives in the category: thematic areas

John Laing Community Home Based Care (JLCHBC)

$20,000 to hold focus group discussions with community leaders, organizing community sensitizations on violence against women living with HIV&AIDS and setting up a revolving loan scheme for women living with HIV&AIDS and care givers of people living with HIV&AIDS.

HIV Empowered and Living (HEAL) Project

$15,000 to support the economic security of the grandmothers and OVCs who are supported by the HEAL project and also to scale up the already existing Poultry and Vegetable farming projects.

Uganda MEMPROW Girls Network (UMGN)

$1,000 to raise awareness among young people on how to prevent violence against women during the MEMPROW girl’s camp and to share experiences of sexual and gender based violence faced by girls and young women in and out of school.

Better Health Action Group Uganda (Better HAG Uganda)

$25,000 to support the implementation of a project geared towards responding to a range of human rights violations against women and girls in the selected 8 counties of Magale, Bumbo, Bupoto, Bumwoni, Bwabwala, Bukokho, Bututu and Tsekululu in Bubulo east constituency, Mbale-Manafwa district in Eastern Uganda.

Action for Rural Women’s Empowerment (ARUWE)

$7,000 to promote the use of modern contraceptives as protect against STIs and unwanted pregnancies. This will be done through orienting and expanding networks of village health teams and youth peer educators to deliver basic reproductive health knowledge at the community level.