Archives in the category: thematic areas

Sesithule Vamanani Caring Association (SEVACA)

$15,000 to undertake awareness campaigns to educate communities on the effects of forced marriages, violence against women and also to facilitate the formation of young women’s movement to help curb violence against women and forced marriages


$1,000 to organize a day’s workshop for 25 women artists to address issues of the impact of violence on women through the performing arts, film screenings and discussions.

Citizen Participation Trust (CPTrust)

$1,000 to undertake awareness raising activities to educate members of Marondera and Murewa communities on issues of gender based violence and to establish community GBV committees to monitor and report on cases of gender based violence

Midlands AIDS Caring Organization

$20,000 to provide women with viable income generating activities including training and creating market access for the women’s produce. This is to help improve beneficiaries’ household income levels and improve their health.

Kasongwa Women Agriculture Cooperative Society

$12,000 to organize educational activities for women in the selected communities on women’s land and property rights and also to print and disseminate educational and advocacy materials on women’s land and property rights.