Association MixteTaabYinga
$6,000 to train rural women farmers in fruits drying methods.
$6,000 to train rural women farmers in fruits drying methods.
$8,000 to purchase a corn mill and build a structure for the corn mill. Part of the grant is to train women in the production of local seasoning (soumbala).
$10,000 to design and develop a website for the organisation and set up a health supporting structure for sports women
$1,000 to organize a three day training workshop on developing digital stories, a powerful recording and documentation method which foregrounds women’s voices and experiences in the process of storytelling.
$12,000 to train a group of Community animators who will lead the fight against violence and provide psychological, medical and legal support to women survivors of violence.
$10,000 to create awareness among the general public on the rights of women and young girls with mental disabilities; train community care givers as well as mothers of girls with mental disabilities on mental health issues.
$1,000 to organize information sharing on combating sexual harassment among girls in secondary schools and to educate them on the recently passed law against sexual harassment.
$10,000 to train selected members of the association in rabbit rearing, financial records keeping, and marketing and basic management skills. This is to ameliorate the high unemployment among the youth in Benin many of whom have no life skills training.
$10,000 to strengthen the organisation by hosting its first strategic planning meeting, develop a five year implementation and resource mobilization plan and relaunch the new organisation.
$15,000 to undertake awareness campaigns to educate communities on the effects of forced marriages, violence against women and also to facilitate the formation of young women’s movement to help curb violence against women and forced marriages