Organization des Femmes Active de Cote d’Ivoire
$1000 to organize a one day training workshop on gender based violence issues and organize community awareness creation activities on the need to curb violence against women
$1000 to organize a one day training workshop on gender based violence issues and organize community awareness creation activities on the need to curb violence against women
A contribution of $15,000 to organize the young women feminist forum in Central Africa.
$1000 to print T shirts, undertake a route march, radio and community education as well as HIV VCT services as part of the 2011 World AIDS day celebrations.
A contribution of $3,800 to enable the participation of a staff member in 2011 ICASA
$15,000 to purchase corn mills and award credits to widows living with HIV/AIDS to engage in income generation activities
$15,000 to produce a shadow report on Cameroon for presentation to the CEDAW Committee. The grant will also support 2 women to participate in the conference.
$1,000 to carry out HIV counseling, create awareness on safe sex and organize educative talks on HIV
$5,000 to support small scale businesses for deprived women and victims of domestic violence. This is to provide survivors of domestic violence a means of gaining control over their lives. Economic empowerment can contribute significantly to restoring or maintaining the mental health of the affected women.
$1,000 to undertake information sharing activities on the prevention of gender based violence as part of the celebration of the 2011 16 days of Activism against gender based violence
$5,700 to purchase a corn mill and build a shed to house it. This grant will relieve project beneficiaries from walking long distances to grind their grains. The project will also build women’s leadership as community women are trained to manage the project.