Archives in the category: thematic areas
Transcultural Initiative for Child & Family Support Organization (TICFASO Uganda)
CEDA International
National Coalition of Women with AIDS in Uganda (NACOA)
$15,000 to set up income generating activities for women living with HIV/AIDS.
Mubale Umoja Women’s Trust (MUWOT)
$5,000 to purchase a fishing boat and train 20 women in fishing net and basket weaving.
Isore Women Initiative for Sustainable Development (IWINSUDE)
$10,000 to train and support 20 peer educators to sustain HIV awareness creation and to support 20 women living with HIV supported with start-up capital and technical assistance to set up income generating activities.
Community Holistic Development Organization (CHODO)
$10,000 to train selected women living with HIV or caring for persons living with HIV in vegetable farming and provide them with the input to set up vegetable gardens
Gender Quality and Health Organization (GEHO Uganda)
$14,000 to contribute towards the reduction of the vulnerability of the LGBT community to violence and HIV/AIDS.
Butembe Women with Disabilities Development Association (BUWEDDA)
$10,000 to promote Sexual and Reproductive Health education amongst women and girls with disabilities in Jinja and Mayuge districts.
Center for Disability and Rehabilitation Uganda
$15,000 to enhance the income earning opportunities for 200 women caring for children with special needs infected / affected with HIV/AIDS.