NyameYeKeseWomen’s Association (NYKWA)
$4,000 to establish a soap training centre and purchase items for soap making.
$4,000 to establish a soap training centre and purchase items for soap making.
$4,000 to expand the group’s crop farming and marketing activities and to train group members in business management and advocacy skills.
$30,000 to undertake adult literacy programme for selected number of women and to organize skills training for unemployed young women in bread baking, bead making and hairdressing. Part of the grant will be used to support the operations of the organization
$20,000 to provide livelihood training, materials and equipment for production and credit to the five selected women groups in marginalized communities (Zongo).
$5,000 to purchase a power tiller and its accessories for the production of ginger and maize to improve the farming activities of the group leading to increase income for members.
$1,500 to construct a platform for drying maize and to purchase storage equipment and inputs such as weedicide and quality seeds for farming.
$2,000 to purchase 10 sewing machines, a Gas Stove with Oven and other materials for training young women in dress making and catering
$3,000 to support the training of selected women in soap and batik/ tie &dye making; and provide them with startup capital. This will enable the women have sustainable income which can support their families throughout the year.
$3,000 to purchase a mill for palm kernel oil extraction, purchase a water pumping machine for dry season farming and to purchase improved vegetable seeds for distribution among members.
$4,000 to set up a small credit scheme to support the trading activities of group members.