Archives in the category: thematic areas

Africa Women’s Development and Communication Network (FEMNET)

$40,000 to collect and analyze the history of FEMNET and its contribution to the women’s movement in Africa, its gains and challenges. The information will be compiled into a book that will be disseminated as part of strategic information on African women’s development, equality and human rights to enhance advocacy efforts around gender.

Fadoa Films Production

$20,000 to support the completion of a film on the life and work of Ghanaian writer Prof. Ama Ata Aidoo, one of the most important feminist writers in Africa. Ghanaian Writer Prof. Ama Ata Aidoo was 70 years in 2011.

Creative Storm

$30,000 to support women artistes participating in the 2011 High Vibes Festival. To create a DVD for AWDF’s popular culture project. The proposed project will help to raise the profile of African women artistes in Ghana, showcase the work of women artistes and demonstrate the power of music for social justice work.

Mind Freedom Ghana

$10,000 to support outreach programmes on issues of mental health and women’s reproductive health in selected markets in Accra and Tema within the Greater Accra region of Ghana.

Reach for Recovery Ghana

$30,000 to support breast cancer awareness creation, psycho-social support for post-surgery patients and administrative cost.

African Woman Lawyers Association (Ghana)

$10,000 to support the conduct of a content analysis /study of print and electronic media reports for the last 2 years on sexual harassment in tertiary institutions and to conduct interviews with women who have complained of sexual harassment to the Commission of Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ).

Women’s Wing of the Northern Regional Association of the Deaf (WWNRAD)

$5,000 to set up a revolving loan scheme for group members as well as to train members and executives in group dynamics, business and credit management. This will enable women with hearing impairment to increase their knowledge and capital base to improve upon their businesses and household income.