$1000 to increase awareness of HIV issues in the communities of Rosotha, Rokulan, Madina and Rogbin, located in the chiefdom of Sanda Tainraren the Bombali District, Northern Province of Sierra Leone, through a community sensitization programme using cultural dances, football gala and video show.
$1,000 to create awareness on gender based violence including the organisation of a public forum.
$ 20,000 for the organizational development of FAS including strengthening the human resource and organizational development challenges of the organisation as well as strengthen the advocacy activities of FAS.
$1,000 to organize a 1 day training for female sex workers and to organize a candle light procession for female sex workers including those living with HIV.
$50,000 to support the organization of the International Workshop on Resource Mobilisation in Africa (IWRM-Africa)in Kampala Uganda. 37 women leaders amongst AWDF grantee organizations participated in the workshop
$50,000 to organize a regional meeting on women’s access to legal and judicial services.
$10,000 to support the organization of the third Pan-African Youth Leadership Forum.
$40,000 for election observation training and monitoring in Ghana and Sierra Leone.
$10,000 to support the organisation of the 4th annual West Africa Women’s Policy Forum titled ‘Win with Women : Best Practices in Promoting Women’s Quantitative and Quality Representation in Decision Making’ in Liberia
$10,000 to support the establishment of the francophone women’s fund.