Archives in the category: thematic areas


$3,500 provide support for Thandiwe Langa, the leader of the care givers at UthandoLoMama to attend and participate in the 16th International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa (ICASA), scheduled to be held in Addis Abbaba from 4th – 8th December, 2011.

Rural Women’s Movement (RWM)

$1,000 to create awareness around the issue of abduction and rape and forced marriages which are very rampant in some rural communities in South Africa. This gender based violence committed against young women and girls in the name of “culture” i.e. ukuthwala (abduction and rape) usually affects girls aged between 12 – 17 years who […]

Positive Women’s Network (PWN)

$80,000 over two years to support the programmes and institutional development of PWN. The grant will strengthen the participation and leadership of women living with HIV&AIDS in the national response to HIV&AIDS in South Africa.

Her Rights Initiative

$10,000 to help fight cancer of the cervix amongst women living with HIV/AIDS. It is estimated that approximately 7000 women develop cervical cancer every year in South Africa out of which 3000 die yearly. This grim statistics points to the urgency to which issues relating to cervical cancer must be addressed.

Women on Farms Project

$20,000 to strengthen the capacity of women farmers to enable them defend their rights and also to actively participate in the minimum wage consultations with the government of South Africa.Women farm workers do not largely understand their labor rights and support systems are currently not in place to give them a unified voice in advocating […]

Women’s Net

$20,000 to plan and hold a girls’ capacity building Technology Camp (Tech-Camp) in Johannesburg for 25 selected girls as well as to design an electronic newsletter from the content that the girls develop after the Tech-Camp.

WHEAT Women’s Fund

$20,000 to provide grants for grassroots women led community based organizations in South Africa.

The Learners Network

$12,000 to support the organisation of the first meeting of the working group of the South African Feminist forum to deliberate on issues of feminists organizing in South Africa.

Nisaa Institute for Women’s Development

$15,000 to support the airing of selected pre-packaged radio programmes (Change the Tune) on gender and gender based violence on selected community radio stations in countries of the SADC region.