Teso Women Peace Activists (TEWPA)
$20,000 to provide psycho-social and economic support to women living with HIV& AIDS targeting expectant mothers and the youth.
$20,000 to provide psycho-social and economic support to women living with HIV& AIDS targeting expectant mothers and the youth.
$4,000 to support the participation of the Programmes Manager of TESO in the ICASA 2011.
$1000 to stage short plays, music, poems, choreographed dances, puppetry and life testimonies on HIV and undertake a VCT campaign.
$6,000 to support awareness creation in communities such as Kapchworwa in the North Eastern Region of Uganda which has a high rate of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) practices. Part of the grant will support young girls in school and income generation projects for FGM initiators.
$20,000 to recruit a regional fundraising officer who will ensure that enough funds are mobilized for the organization’s regional activities and also for the training of women living with HIV&AIDS.
$20,000 to provide leadership skills and income earning opportunities for women living in conflict and post conflict areas specifically Uganda, Liberia and Zimbabwe.
$8,000 to provide income generating activities for 450 grandmothers. OGLM’s main target groups are grandmothers living in the rural areas, commercial sex workers, HIV&AIDS orphans and the youth. Grandmothers provide a lot of support for people living with HIV&AIDS or affected by HIV&AIDS.
$3,160 to support the participation of the ED of OGLM in the ICASA 2011.
$1,000 to deepen knowledge on HIV & AIDS issues and keep the HIV agenda high on the agenda of the project community.
$50,000 for the establishment of a women’s wellness centre that will provide a safe place for the discussions around women’s sexual and reproductive health rights in a holistic way.