Archives in the category: thematic areas

The Ark Foundation

$2,500 to enable the Executive Director participate in an International Conference on Gender Based Violence from 1st – 5th August, 2012, to be held at the Kenyatta University Conference Centre, Nairobi Kenya.

Les Anges du Ciel

$6,000 to organize a training of trainers’ workshop on sexual and reproductive rights for 20 paralegals; educate 400 women on gender based violence issues as well as to identify and document some cases of gender based violence.

Comptoir Juridique Junior (CJJ)

$10,000 to organize a refresher training on the domestic violence law for 40 paralegals in targeted communities and to organize a community advocacy program.

Organisation Nationale pour l’Enfant, la Femme et la Famille (ONEF)

$1,000 to organize 5 public discussions with 100 couples on the issue of gender based violence and to organize 2 meetings on ways to prevent impunity of perpetrators of violence. Activities also include awareness creation programs among 300 households in Yopugon, a suburb of Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire.