Archives in the category: thematic areas

Horizons Femmes

$15,000 to train 20 commercial sex workers in modern methods of animal husbandry and to help establish income generating activities for them.

Association Lagme Yensgo

$12,000 to scale up HIV prevention education with emphasis on anti-stigma education through the training of 60 community animators who will lead the fight against the spread of HIV.

Association pour la Paix et la Solidarite (APS)

$20,000 to establish a strong beekeeping cooperative of 55 women in Sissili in Burkina, to train members in group dynamics and strengthen their capacities, to establish a micro credit scheme for the members and to train members of the cooperatives in modern farming methods.

Emang Basadi Women’s Association

$20,000 to organize training workshop for selected service providers to enhance their capacity to handle GBV cases with sensitivity and effectively.

Centre for Youth of Hope (CEYOHO)

$10,000 to support the training and employment of 15 women living with HIV in in food preparation, marketing and small business management.

Divine Morula Project

$20,000 to purchase equipment (large freezers, pulping machines, pasteurizing for juice making, steam pots, oil press, industrial floor scale and nut cracker) for the processing of different Morula fruit products for sale.