Forum de la Femme Ménagère (FORFEM)
$15,000 to provide skills training for 50 women living with HIV/AIDS and to train them in business management.
$15,000 to provide skills training for 50 women living with HIV/AIDS and to train them in business management.
$10,000 to support 50 women living with HIV&AIDS with income generating activities and to provide HIV education with emphasis on stigma reduction.
$7,500 to organise an HIV anti stigma campaign in the departments of Niakara and Odienne.
$12,000 to provide seed capital to 3 female headed associations of HIV/AIDS infected and affected women as well as to train project beneficiaries in micro credit and income generating activities management.
$12,000 to scale up HIV prevention education with emphasis on anti-stigma education through the training of 60 community animators who will lead the fight against the spread of HIV.
$10,000 to support the training and employment of 15 women living with HIV in in food preparation, marketing and small business management.
$20,000 to support the provision of health care in hard to reach rural communities.
$1000 to develop IEC materials and organize a soccer gala to facilitate awareness creation on universal access to treatment.
$1000 to ensure the participation of Women living with HIV in the 2011 World AIDS day celebrations.
$5,000 to support the running of the institution’s home based care programme.