$15,000 to mobilize and train a core group of women and girls including the wives of traditional leaders, faith based leaders and Traditional Birth Attendants to champion the fight against HIV&AIDS especially in the area of stigma reduction and access to Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV services.
$20,000 to support 50 pregnant women living with HIV to access Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV.
$10,000 to provide skills training and start-up capital to 50 women and girls living with HIV/AIDS for income generation activities.
$10,000 to train a corps group of school girls in rural areas in Malawi to lead the fight against stigma and discrimination in their communities.
$10,000 to train peer educators and set up HIV prevention and anti-teenage pregnancy clubs in schools in Voinjama District, Lofa County – Liberia.
$60,000 over two years to continue, expand and strengthen the existing women cooperatives formed with the support of AWDF.
$12,000 to train women living with HIV/AIDS and provide them with seed capital to set up income generating activities.
$15,000 to support women living with HIV/AIDS increase their income levels through trading and working in cooperatives.
$10,000 to provide women living with HIV/AIDS with skills training and seed capital. Part of the funds was earmarked for stigma reduction advocacy and prevention of mother to child transmission education.
$15,000 to provide skills training for 50 women living with HIV/AIDS and to train them in business management.