Archives in the category: HIV-AIDS

Morogoro Development Organization (MODEO)

$10,000 to reach out to young people with disabilities and their parents/guardians with HIV&AIDS information and information on rights of people with disabilities.

Positive Women’s Network

$2,700 to enable its Executive Director (Prudence Mabele) to attend and present a paper at the International AIDS Conference.

Let Us Stay Alive (LUSA) Program

$1,000 to train 50 women and girls on HIV&AIDS prevention, stigmatisation and discrimination; to organise a one day seminar on HIV related issues and to organise awareness creation programme through sports activities.


$12,000 to develop a five year strategic plan for the organization as well as design a website and ensure its maintenance. Part of the grant will also cover the salaries of the project staff namely a consultant, an IT consultant, project coordinator and a financial controller.

GCI Rwanda

$10,000 to provide 15 bulls & cows for 30 households and provide technical training for the beneficiaries.

Girl to Mothers’ Initiative

$1,000 to provide 100 women of reproductive age with comprehensive HIV prevention messages with emphasis on PMTCT; facilitate HIV counselling and testing among women of reproductive age and encourage/support early Ante Natal Care enrolment for the uptake of PMTCT services through traditional birth attendants (TBA).

Women and Children of Hope Foundation (WCH)

$15,000 to provide treatment literacy education for women living with HIV&AIDS, educate women living with HIV to access Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV services.