$50,000 to set up a credit scheme, organize financial management training and award small credits to 20 women from selected women’s cooperatives; Create awareness on gender based violence and the Equal Opportunities bill in Nigeria. The bill will be translated into Yoruba for wider circulation.
$4,000 to train selected women within Mulang community in Nigeria, in business and credit management and provide them with credit to expand their income generating activities.
$10,000 to economically empower selected women in rural Northern Ghana with a piggery and goat rearing project.
$25,000 be awarded as institutional support to cover personnel development, communication and transportation, documentation and a media campaign to address issues facing women in business enterprises. The campaign will also seek to influence a paradigm shift in the way banks see women as clients.
$5,000 to support the construction of a gari processing workshop, purchase 20 steel gari frying pans and 2 hand/push trucks.
$4,000 to support the trading and farming activities of the group members.
$3,000 to support the processing of Moringa through the purchase of equipment.
$4,000 to organize training in enterpreneurship, business management and employable skills (fruit juice, jam, cereal processing, pomade and soap making) for members of the group; to provide startup capital to the trainees to start up their own small scale business enterprises.
$5,000 to support the training of young women in the production of bags.
$4,000 to train selected women in gari processing, purchase and install gari processing equipment to enhance processing activities of the beneficiaries. Some women will also be trained in fruit drying and processing.