Archives in the category: news blog group

Photo essay of AWDF’s visit to grantee partners in Nigeria

Between the 27th of May-7th of June, a team of AWDF staff visited grantee partners, and potential grantee partners in Lagos, Ibadan, Ile-Ife, Ilorin and Abuja. The images below represent a photo essay of some of the grantees and potential grantees visited. All photography by Chika Oduah.  

Declaration of the African union commission consultative conference of women stakeholders on pan africanism, renaissance and agenda 2063

Final draft Version 1.0 DECLARATION OF THE AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION CONSULTATIVE CONFERENCE OF WOMEN STAKEHOLDERS ON PAN AFRICANISM, RENAISSANCE AND AGENDA 2063 Preamble 1) WE, African women drawn from African Union Member States, Civil Society Organisations, Women Pan African Movements, Women’s Rights Organisations, Academia, Diaspora Organisations, Regional Economic Communities (RECs), the private sector and UN […]