Archives in the category: news blog group

‘Tell Me Sweet Something’ Trailer

Check out the trailer for the upcoming film, ‘Tell Me Sweet Something’ an AWDF supported project by South African production company Rififi Pictures (formerly T.O.M. pictures). It tells the charming story of Moratiwa (played by South African actress Nomzamo Mbatha), a young woman writer struggling with writer’s block and an unlikely new relationship that leads her […]

PWESCR launches Training in Women’s Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

PWESCR’s Training of Trainers (ToT) in Women’s Economic, Social and Cultural Rights is an advance human rights training programme for women’s rights defenders (men, women and transgenders) from the global South. ToT is intended to enhance conceptual understanding and build skills towards effective activism and advocacy around women’s human rights, especially in the context of […]

Nominations Open for the AWDF African Women In Film Award

Le prix des femmes africaines dans le cinéma du Fonds africain de développement de la femme (AWDF) est décerné à une femme africaine qui a démontré à travers son travail des efforts mesurables pour changer le récit et lutter contre les stéréotypes sur les femmes africaines. Ce prix reflète l’engagement d’AWDF à rehausser le profil des […]