Grantee Highlight: In Zimbabwe, Skillz Street Helps Girls Score High On Sexual, Reproductive Health and Rights
The United Nations defines violence against women as “Any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or mental harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life.” “Hannah was raped. It […]
Writivism 2016 Workshops Billie Adwoa McTernan has been chosen to be one of a select number of emerging writers for Writivism’s 2016 workshops to be held in Accra, Kampala, Abidjan, Dakar and Goma. Billie was among 22 writers selected for the AWDF’s Women Writers Workshop held in Uganda in July this year. The workshops […]
Monday 16 November 2015 PRESS RELEASE: Kenyan girl-led charity wins international award for outstanding work Local charity Boxgirls Kenya is one of just 20 organisations from around the world to receive an inaugural With and For Girls Award. The With and For Girls Awards is a global initiative to identify and support strong local organisations […]
PRESS RELEASE 19th November 2015 African Women’s Development Fund validates Market Women’s Research Study: Accelerating the Contributions of Market Women to National and Regional Development in West Africa Accra, GHANA – The African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF) has called on West African governments to enact policies supporting market women at both national and regional […]
Read the original story posted to Graphic Online The Network of Women in Growth (NEWIG) Ghana, a non-governmental organisation, has launched a project that will build the capacity of women entrepreneurs and small holder farmers in the Adansi South District in the Ashanti Region. Known as the “Economic governance project,” the two-phased project, funded by […]
New Report shows how African Rural Women hold the key to cultivating Diversity, Climate Change Resilience and Nutrition but are threatened by Agri-business practices and seed monopoly laws as climate change worsens. As delegates from around the world prepare to meet at the COP21 climate negotiations in Paris, a new report from the African Biodiversity […]
As African women we stand in solidarity with Afro-Brazilian women as you take to the streets in the Marcha das Mulheres Negras [Black Women’s March] and raise your voices to say NO to racist and sexist violence, and to affirm that you, as all women, have a right to live with full choice, dignity, well-being and […]
Read the original piece posted on AWID here Marching in Solidarity: Marcha Das Mulheres Negras Musings on Solidarity By Amina Doherty November 16th, 2015 As an activist I often think about what it means to ‘be in solidarity with’ and what it means to use my body, heart, and voice to amplify the stories and struggles […]
This article was originally published on The Journalist MONROVIA – When Paynesville Mayor Cyvette Gibson wanted to get the streets cleaned in the part of the Liberian capital that she runs, she enlisted the help of everybody she could find. Even the homeless and drug addicts helped to pick up litter. And when Ebola struck […]