Archives in the category: news blog group

Renforcement Des Capacites, Redaction de Document de Projects et Rapport de Projets

Les organisations de femmes connaissent à fond les barrières socioculturelles qui entravent l’égalité entre les sexes et l’autonomisation des femmes et sont en mesure de mener des actions pour aborder ces sujets selon leurs forces financières. Elles ont de bonnes idées mais n’arrivent pas à les exprimer clairement et de façon cohérente pour susciter l’intérêt […]

Transforming Girls, Young Women & Communities Through Boxing: Sofia Omar.

Sofia Omar, 19, is Muslim young woman and part of BoxGirls Kenya. She joined Box Girls whilst in high school, at the age of 16. As a result of engaging in the organisation’s programmes, she has honed her boxing skills. In addition, she has nurtured her entrepreneurial abilities and become more proficient in financial management. […]

Activity Report 2016: Weaving African Feminist Futures

Weaving African Feminist Futures Since 2001, AWDF has made huge strides in transforming the lives of African Women through our grantmaking and capacity building initiatives. In 2016, we awarded a total of US$1,014,100 in grants to 87 women’s organisations in 17 countries across Africa. For more information, please read our 2016 Activity Report. Click here […]


Les femmes africaines rencontrent souvent des difficultés à changer les causes de leurs privations parce qu’elles n’ont pas de capacités adéquates pour entreprendre des actions axées sur les résultats. En 2003, le Fonds de Développement pour la Femme Africaine (AWDF) a créé une Unité de Renforcement des Capacités (CBU) en vue de répondre aux besoins […]

Rapport de programmation axé sur les résultats en français – Atelier BURKINA Faso

L ’objectif de l’atelier de trois (3) jours sur la Programmation axée sur les résultats (RBP) est d’apporter un appui aux bénéficiaires du Fonds de Développement pour la Femme Africaine (AWDF) dans les domaines de l’application du RBP dans leurs organisations et de la conception de leurs programmes. Au total, 17 participantes ont pris part […]

Futures Africa: Trends for Women by 2030

What is the future of Africa if seen through the lens of women’s rights? What opportunities and potential crises lie ahead? Are our current strategies appropriate in light of where Africa is headed? Using a futures lens, how do we contribute to shaping the most just, promising and democratic futures for Africa? In 2016, AWDF […]

Faith, Feminisms and Fundamentalisms: A Search for Balance.

International Women’s Day at AWDF has often been a day to reflect on the larger themes of the feminist movement, and promote conversations and engagement around topics that feminists around the continent are grappling with. This year, our conversation focused on Faith, Feminisms and Fundamentalisms, and examined their various points of convergence and divergence. The […]

Recognizing Women as Custodians of Seed and Change

  In Africa, majority of the rural women work as small scale farmers who work to feed their families and the growing population. Seed for them is key and is at the heart of the African communities. As such seed diversity thus lies in their hands. Recognizing and celebrating rural women is a key thrust […]