Archives in the category: news blog group

#FacesOfAdvocacy: Slum Women’s Initiative for Development pushes for Women’s Land Rights

Advocacy leads to transformation and Slum Women’s Initiative for Development (SWID) has demonstrated the importance of transformation on the issue of Land rights in Uganda. SWID works on a spectrum of issues: land rights, women’s rights, food security as well as environmental protection. They understand how issues of land, the environment and food are interwoven, […]

#FacesofAdvocacy: S.H.E creates space for those whose voices are often ignored.

Women experience marginalisation on multiple levels, but transwomen often experience added layers of marginalisation within movements, because their experience of womanhood is constantly questioned and policed. Social Health and Empowerment Feminist Collective of Transgender Women of Africa (SHE) understands the necessity of having an organisation for women who find themselves within larger movement spaces but […]

#FacesofAdvocacy: Rape Crisis Cape Town Trust

What does it mean to truly seek justice for victims of sexual assault and abuse? What does this justice look like and who does it centre on? The Rape Crisis Cape Town Trust has continually sought to answer this question and push the state to act on its commitment to survivors of Sexual offences in […]

#FacesofLeadership: Tanzanian Women’s Cross Party

  TWCP is a trailblazer in building women’s political and leadership capacities and creating spaces for women in politics. They are often consulted during high level political conversations and engage the media on policies that are gender blind. Through their efforts, TWCP has created a safe space for women politicians to interact and work with CSOs, […]

Reflections on Generations of Sisterhood: International Women’s Day 2018

  “Women are not homogenous. We can be different but still find common ground to work together strategically. We cannot, must not, allow age, generation, class, ethnicity, education and professional lives, marital and motherhood statuses, diverse abilities and disabilities to divide us”. Prof Akosua Adomako Ampofo Feminism is sisterhood and sisterhood requires conversation and interrogation […]

Beyond Tie Dye: Rethinking African Women’s Economies and the role of Funders.

Jessica Horn, AWDF’s Director of programs was interviewed by News Deeply! See an excerpt below-and follow the read the entire interview. Don’t talk to Jessica Horn about tie dye. The director of programs for the African Women’s Development Fund doesn’t have time for women’s advancement projects that lean on an age-old standby: artisanal crafts. “One of the most […]

#She Decides 2018

  Every girl and every woman has the right to health and the right to do what she chooses with her body. These rights affect her personal development, her participation in society, her livelihood and whether her family and community thrives. #SheDecides is a global movement to promote, provide, protect and enhance the fundamental rights […]

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: Consultancy for developing a joint Communications Strategy for Leading from the South

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS The African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF) is inviting applications from feminist oriented Communications Practitioners to develop a Communications Strategy with work plan for Leading From the South, a funding initiative supporting women’s rights advocacy in the global South. For Terms of Reference, kindly click here. Closing date for receiving applications is Friday […]

Feminist Africa Issue 22: Feminists Organising- Strategy, Voice, Power.

We are excited to announce the publication of Feminist Africa Issue 22, a collection of essays, opinion pieces and artistic reflections on feminist organising across the African continent. This special edition was produced through a collaboration between Feminist Africa and the African Women’s Development Fund. The content germinated out of conversations at the 4th African […]