Archives in the category: news blog group


The African Grantmakers Network 3rd Assembly 2014: Philanthropy in Africa: People, Policy and Practice 17th – 19th November 2014; Accra, Ghana POSTPONEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT READ THE PRESS RELEASE HERE: Postponement Announcement AGN

‘In Print’ by Jennifer Thorpe

In print We want to be in print; To feel the weight of our words in Paper and ink And to know their value In dollar signs and transformed minds. Journals, magazines, newspapers, novels. The smell of the page like petrichor, awakening the seeds of our creativity. A good book turns us on you see […]

You have to be a selfish woman

Ma’ami, you would love these women. Maybe not at first, maybe not all at once, but oh, you would love them. They would speak to your heart and the things you wouldn’t say couldn’t say? Like “maybe I should have left my husband.” Maybe I should have loved myself enough To say, out loud, because […]

Reflection on my internship at AWDF

Pendant mon temps ici à AWDF, j’ai appris ce que c’est d’être un élément d’une organisation dynamique qui a un but de promouvoir et de créer l’accès des femmes au sein de multiples facettes de la société. Lors de l’édition de divers travaux, je l’ai eu le plaisir de lire une multitude de récits sur et […]

Nominations Now Open for 2014 African Philanthropy Award

African Grantmakers Network Call for Nominations 2014 Le Réseau des subventionneurs africains (AGN) célèbre les individus et les organisations qui font preuve d’excellence et d’innovation dans la pratique philanthropique en Afrique. Les prix AGN de philanthropie africaine reconnaissent les philanthropes africains qui montrent un engagement tangible et durable et le changement institutionnel, ils se sont engagés […]