Women in Successful Careers (WISCAR)
$15,000 as contribution towards the 12 months mentorship programme which will include communication and general expense.
$15,000 as contribution towards the 12 months mentorship programme which will include communication and general expense.
$14,000 to help mobilize 30 women to actively participate in the 2014 municipal elections through encouraging women to contest for the elections and mobilizing the community to vote massively for candidates who have a women’s agenda.
$30,000 to support the adaptation of the Women Situation Room (WSR) in 2 African countries during electoral processes, as well as create a documentation facility that will document the evolution and experience of the WSR.
$90,000 over 3 years to train a total of 9 young professional women in peace and security in Africa.
$90,000 to upscale the advocacy around women’s increased participation in politics and decision-making as demanded within the Women’s Manifesto for Ghana; updating of the database on women political leaders, training for women leaders and advocacy engagements with political parties, policy makers, media and state institutions.
$12,500 to organise a training programme for 20 animators and 50 political leaders on leadership and electoral processes.
$10,250 to advocate for the formation of a gender task force in 10 councils in the Bakassi in the Southwest region of Cameroon.
$14,000 to organize two educational fora on the 1325 UN Security Council Resolution and to translate the abridged version of the instrument into Kirundi.
$40,000 to enhance the capacity of female district and local councilors for effective participate in governance. The project seeks to strengthen women’s role in decision making.
$30,000 to conduct a tracer study to document the experiences of the African Women’s Leadership Institute (AWLI) Alumni in a bid to find out where they are and what they are doing. This will serve as a monitoring and evaluation framework for the AWLI. The Tracer study will be in 3 phases over a period […]