West Africa AIDS Foundation (WAAF)
$10,000 to provide quality care to expectant mothers living with HIV/AIDS and to extend the care to the mothers and babies after birth.
$10,000 to provide quality care to expectant mothers living with HIV/AIDS and to extend the care to the mothers and babies after birth.
$10,000 to strengthen the home based programme of the organisation to ensure some level of effective prevention, treatment and care of people living with HIV and their families. Micro loans will also be given to selected young women to start income generation activities.
$3,500 to support the participation of a member of HELIN in the ICASA 2011.
$1000 to hold community dialogues with a focus on violence against women in the 3 communities of Anua, Uyo and IkotAkpanAbia in AkwaIbom State
$10,000 to initiate an advocacy campaign and establish, equip and furnish a VCT Screening Centre in the Federal College of Education Gombe, Nigeria.
$8,000 to conduct an awareness creation programme in five local government areas on the newly adopted HIV anti stigma law in Niger.
$1000 to organize HIV testing and counselling for the community of Chikweo traditional authority area in Machinga district of Malawi. This will be supplemented by drama and poetry performances.
$1000 to train 25 peer educators and create awareness on the need to fight teenage pregnancy.
$10,000 to provide training and start up capital for women living with HIV/AIDS and out of school girls.
$4,500 to build the capacity of bar maids (Bawa groups) in the Kibera slum area in the management of their businesses. Part of the grant will also be used to wage a HIV/AIDS stigma reduction campaign in the Kibera slum area.