$15,000 to strengthen the home based care project through a refresher course for the care givers and a revolving loan scheme to strengthen their economic base. Part of the funds was earmarked to provide life skills for out of school girls.
$20,000 (multi-year grant) to provide alternate sources of income for women care givers and women in the mining industry
$1,000 to use sports (football, tug of peace, cycle) to educate the youth on HIV&AIDS issues especially in relation to Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV.
$1,000 to organize a symposium on HIV stigma & discrimination; train advocates as volunteers to carry out HIV prevention advocacy activities in the communities; to promote health and the adoption of safer sexual practices among vulnerable groups (PLHIV, Truck pushers, kayaye (female head porters) and long distance drivers).
$1,000 to improve HIV knowledge among women workers on flower farms in Lume district of Oromia region of Ethiopia as part of the 2012 World AIDS Day celebrations.
$10,000 to train 10 women living with HIV as peer educators to educate their peers on HIV&AIDS issues including prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV&AIDS, sexual and reproductive health and rights of women living with HIV; To promote family planning issues and to provide business capital to 10 women living with HIV&AIDS.
$1,000 to conduct HIV testing and counseling for Fulani women in Sabga, to broadcast HIV informative talks on 3 radio stations and to commemorate the 2012 World AIDS Day.
$1,000 to organize community drama as part of educating the community on the Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV.
$10,000 to train 20 midwives and 20 nurses on prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV&AIDS; to train 20 women living with HIV&AIDS and 20 female sex workers as peer educators; to undertake HIV education and provide psychological and free HIV voluntary testing for women.
$1,000 to organize an information sharing program on prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV&AIDS, create awareness on prevention of HIV&AIDS using a variety of strategies including radio in local languages and community engagements.