22nd August 2017
Following the recent disaster that struck Sierra Leone, the African Philanthropic Network is working with the African Women’s Development Fund to mobilise resources in support of initiatives to mitigate the devastating effects of this disaster.
You can be part of this initiative by donating in one of the following ways.
To donate by expresspay, go to
Select AWDF and follow the online instructions
To make a donation via wire transfer from anywhere in Africa, please use the following information:
Account Name: AWDF/Fundraising
Account Number: 064/1008737
Bank Name: Barclays Bank Ghana Limited
Bank Address: P O Box 2949
High Street Branch: Accra
Swift Code: BARCGHAC
Individuals located in Ghana can make a deposit into our cedi account:
Account Name: AWDF/Fundraising
Account Number: 048/1014077
Bank Name: Barclays Bank Ghana Limited
Bank Address: P O Box 2949
High Street Branch: Accra
Please refer all enquiries to Abigail Burgesson, Special Programmes Manager
Email: abigail@africlub.net/awdf