‘Onamdaade’ is an Akan word used in Ghana which literally means (a person without a vehicle). It has similar meaning in this short text.
It is a hilarious moment at AWDF since we now have our own office building which is spacious and magnificent. We are still settling down and this coming Thursday (27th November 2008) is the official commissioning of the building (every body is invited anyway).
The area is serene and well laid out. In terms of categorization of urban settlement, I will place it in the first class category. I must be honest; it very well befits the status of a feminist grant making organization, such as AWDF, which has immensely supported the empowerment of women and women’s rights promotion through provision of grants to support several women-led initiatives on the African Continent since its establishment seven years ago.
Although acquiring our own property is a boost to the organization, it has also brought untold hardship to the ‘onamdaade’ staff because no commercial vehicle plies the vicinity, making life for such category of staff unbearable.
One has to either take a dropping ( a chartered Taxi) from Tetteh Quarshie roundabout which is approximately $4.00 a day (for a return journey) or wait at Tetteh Quarshie roundabout and make numerous calls to colleagues with vehicles to find out who is passing by at that particular moment for a lift. It is indeed a daunting task.
‘Onamdaade’ comrades, better think of how to get your own vehicles before colleagues decide not to pick up your calls in the morning. Thank you.
Rose Buabeng (‘Onamdaade’ team leader)
Anglophone Programme Officer
Dear Rose,
Thanks a lot for this insight. May I suggest that the ‘Onamdaade’ group agree a time-table with Mohammed the office driver, I am sure we can sort something out.
Dear Director,
Sub: Requesting Project APPLICATION FORM and project funding guidelines – regarding.
Greetings to you from Fr. K. D. Joseph, Director, Kurnool Diocese Social Service Society, Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh, India.
We came to know about your Agency through website. We are happy to work with you and we assure our best partnership to take up the programmes for the welfare of the poor and the marginalized especially the women and children who are neglected and downtrodden from SC/ST communities.
I am looking forward to partnering with you to help and provide support to the poor who are living under the poverty line. We would like to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger. We have well experienced and qualified staff who are skillful and professional to implement the programme according to the expectations of your agency.The Diocese of Kurnool is situated in Andhra Pradesh State, South India. Kurnool Diocese Social Service Society (K.D.S.S.S) is a non-profitable and non- governmental Society registered under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 with Registration No. 223/1991 and also with Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India under FCRA Act to receive Foreign Contributions, to take-up various Social and Developmental Projects.
KDSSS is successfully implementing various developmental activities in Kurnool and Anantapur districts. Our main activities are Animation & Women Empowerment program, Integrated Development through Empowerment & Action, protection of rights of the marginalized people, Eradication of child labour, Widow Development program, CBR (Community Based Rehabilitation to the differently abled), Home and Community Based Care & Support to PLHAs, Drinking Water and Sanitation for rural poor, Anti Human Trafficking program, Agricultural and land development program.
I would like to know more about your organization and your organization’s priorities and may I kindly request you to send me your Application format and guidelines.
Thanking you, I remain,
Yours sincerely,
Fr. K. D. Joseph