The “AWDF African Women in Film Award” is intended to honour an African woman who has demonstrated through her work, measurable efforts to change the narrative and challenge stereotypes about women on the continent.
GMA’s interest in building capacity within the film industry and special emphasis on women, is one of the contributing factors for AWDF’s decision to partner with them.
“The aim is to build the cadre of skilled African women who can use the different art mediums to promote women’s rights.” Sarah Mukasa, Director of Programmes at AWDF, who made the announcement, said.
The AWDF award will be part of GMA’s award scheme that will reward industry beneficiaries in 30 various prize categories.
As a follow up to the awards, AWDF and GMA will bring together African women filmmakers, actresses, producers, writers and content creators for a one-day capacity-building programme to share expertise and facilitate the growth and development of African women stakeholders in the film and television industry.