Theme: “Building capacity for organisational effectiveness and sustainability”.
The African Women’s Development Fund is organising its 4th Financial Management Training as part of its mandate to provide technical skills to grantees in order to ensure transparency, accountability and prudent financial management of resources for better results and impact.
Running from 24th till 26th July 2018, the 3-day programme will include a series of highly interactive sessions for sharing ideas among participants. The programme will consist of presentations, case studies and discussions in the following areas;
- Governance and Organisational structures
- The Financial Planning Process
- Assessment of Financial Health, Budget and Cash flow projection
- Internal control checks and financial risk management (fraud risk)
- Accounting records
- Reconciliations
- Grant Management and compliance
- Procurement
- Financial Reporting
- Compliance with Statutory Requirements
After the training, selected organisation will receive up to 6 hours of individual coaching by a Consultant to address challenges as well as assist participants in translating the workshop concepts into prioritized action steps for improvement.
Financial management is one of the most critical functions of any organisation and is vital to the existence of the entity. With sound financial planning, non-profits can successfully manage their resources and ensure their growth and sustainability. This is the reasoning behind the high premium that AWDF places on its Capacity Building Programme and specifically the Financial Management Training. It is done with the expectation that participants will enhance their financial management knowledge and skills to better manage as well as mobilise additional resources for long term sustainability.