The African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF) is a grant making foundation that supports local, national and regional organizations working towards the empowerment of African women and the achievement of gender equality on the continent. The vision of AWDF is for women to live in a world where there is social justice, equality and respect for women’s human rights. To this end, our mission is to mobilize and disburse financial, human and material resources to support positive transformation in Africa. We believe that If women are empowered with skills, information, sustainable livelihoods, opportunities to fulfil their potential, plus the capacity and space to make transformative choices, then we will have vibrant, healthy and inclusive communities.
To achieve its vision and mission, the African Women’s Development Fund provides grant and technical support to women’s groups and organizations in Africa working on issues in line with the following themes:
- Women’s Human Rights (WHR)
- Economic Empowerment and Livelihoods (EEL)
- Health and Reproductive Rights (HRR)
- Governance Peace and Security (GPS)
- Arts Culture and Sports (ACS) and
The current call is opened from 18th June to 19th September. Applicants are to send in proposals with innovative but effective strategies to address issues relating to the specified focus areas under the various listed themes: The areas of focus are as follows:
Women’s Human Rights (WHR)
In the area of promoting Women’s Human Rights, priority will be given to projects that enhance
- Women and girls access to justice especially around land and property rights
- Policy engagements on women’s rights
- Addressing violence against women
Supported projects will target key populations such as indigenous women, rural women, commercial sex workers, women of different sexual identities and orientations, women with disabilities, women living with HIV/AIDS; female migrant workers; women working in quarries, mining areas, cocoa growing areas and other socially disadvantaged groups.
Governance, Peace & Security (GPS)
To enhance women’s participation in decision making and peace building, projects that will be supported would focus on
- Enabling women’s voices to be heard and their interest represented at all levels of decision making
- Building women’s leadership capacities
- Facilitating women’s participation in the democratic processes
Economic Empowerment & Livelihood (EE&L)
To increase income earning opportunities for women, projects to be supported should seek to
- Work with smallholder women farmers
- Work on climate change and food security issues
- Build micro enterprises and strengthen cooperatives
Health & Reproductive Rights (HRR)
In the area of HRR the proposal will seek to minimize maternal and infant mortality rates and to address some urgent health issues affecting women and girls. Projects to be supported will target;
- Improvement in maternal and child health
- Prevention of breast and cervical cancer
- Strengthening women’s voices to advocate for the implementation of National health policies
- Training and equipping traditional birth attendants
- Improve access to family planning information and services
- Promote the reproductive health and rights of women
Arts, Sports & Culture (AS&C)
Projects to be supported under this theme will use arts, sports and culture to help address the negative images of women, by building women’s talents and skills as well as to build their capacities to lead the advocacy for the promotion of the rights of women. The support will cover:
- The use of arts and popular culture to disseminate information on women’s rights and other key issues affecting women, to new and hard to reach audiences
- Raise the voices and profiles of women in all sectors of leadership on the continent using media such as music, films, documentaries, TV and radio productions, and national and regional film festivals.
Projects that will be supported under this theme will be centered on:
- Fighting stigma and discrimination against women living with HIV/AIDS
- Promoting the rights of women living with HIV/AIDS
- Building the capacities of women living with HIV/AIDS to take leadership positions and to lead the advocacy for the promotion of the rights of women living with HIV/AIDS
- To facilitate the inclusion and participation of women living with HIV in decision making forums at the community, national and international levels
- Innovative HIV prevention activities and programmes
- Economic empowerment for women living with HIV
Eligibility Criteria
- Applicant organisation must have been in existence for at least 3 years
- The organization must be duly registered, at least with its local government structure
- The organization must be led by a woman
- The organization must have the needed organizational structures
- The organization must have an appreciable financial management system
- The organization must be capable of reporting back on the outcomes of the project
- The organization must be highly recommended by a donor agency, a grantee or partner of AWDF or the local government office
- The applying organization must complete the necessary application forms
Grant Size
Eligible projects should have a budget ranging from $10,000 to $20.000.
Grant Period
The grant period will be for one year from the date of award.
The grantee is expected to send in 2 reports. An interim report and a final comprehensive report detailing the various activities, lessons learnt and clearly defined achievements at the end of the project. The organisation must be capable of measuring the results of the project and must be able to document stories and lessons learnt for sharing with AWDF
How to apply
Interested organisations should send in their proposals to the AWDF secretariat in Accra, Ghana, using the required grant applications guidelines which include a financial management assessment form.
For more information, please visit the following links:
AWDF Grant Application Guideline
Financial Management Assessment Questionnaire
Framework for Measuring Outcomes
The African Women’s Development Fund
Office: Plot 78 Ambassadorial Enclave, East Legon
Post: P.M.B CT 89 Cantonments, Accra, Ghana
Tel : + 233 289669666
NOTE: Please note that this is a very competitive process and it is only organizations with innovative but effective strategies who will be supported. Again, organizations must clearly demonstrate their ability to communicate their achievements.
care for zimbabwe trust is a non profit organisation,formed in 2009 and got official registration in 2014.
we have run small projects for a school for children with special needs,OVC and mothers to these children with special needs.
at the moment,we donot have any funding from anywhere,except a few dollars we raise as a trust,from own initiatives.
Honestly,funding partners shun at us,because we are small and new.With this in mind would you consider our application as an organisation?
we have women represantation at all levels,that is Board of Trustees(2),Advisory Council(4),Management(1),Field Staff(all women)
Our thematic areas are as follows:
2.1.1. To provide awareness, facilitate access to treatment and other forms of assistance in combating HIV, Cancer, TB and Child Malaria in marginalized communities of Zimbabwe.
2.3.1. To provide school fees assistance to child headed families, Grant Parent headed families, Orphaned and Vulnerable Children of poor and marginalized communities of Zimbabwe.
2.3.2 To carry out a Child feeding program for the undernourished, but attending school.
2.3.3. Address the educational needs and constraints of the community particularly the low income earners who often have to do with poor education delivery system notwithstanding people living with disabilities the deaf and dumb, the blind and the crippled.
2.3.4. To facilitate access to sign language education across the communities as well as in potential employers in order to create an environment that fosters employment opportunities to the Deaf and Mute people.
2.3.5. To establish, promote, set-up and run educational institutions to promote professional, academic, technical, management, of informal trade and psychomotor educational services for the marginalized, poor and vulnerable, the Deaf and Mute, the blind and the crippled.
2.3.6. To support existing vocational training programs nationwide set aside for the marginalized, poor and vulnerable, the Deaf and Mute, the blind and the crippled.
2.3.7. To open, found, promote, set-up and run training centers, libraries, reading rooms and other establishments or institutions for advancements of application of theory education for the marginalized, poor and vulnerable, the Deaf and Mute, the blind and the crippled.
2.3.8. To promote all means of educational research and training in urban and rural areas, based on contemporary social values and ethics, as well as policies of the state and in accordance with the current and future sectorial needs of the nation.
2.3.9. To promote home and office study and provide quality education to the poor and underprivileged members of the community.
2.3.10. To represent an opportunity to members of the community who had dropped out of the formal school system due to financial and other social constrains to proceed with their educational dreams.
2.4.1. To carry out long term food security Interventions, using drought and climate change mitigating mechanisms, so as to maintain a vibrant household food supply basket for poor and marginalized communities of Zimbabwe, whilst increasing House hold incomes, in a sustainable manner.
2.5.1. To carry out long term environment protection programs, such as recycling of waste, waste removal and management, awareness campaigns in all communities of Zimbabwe, so as to avoid pollution and general degradation of scarce land for food production.
2.5.2. To carry out climate change mitigating programs such as small earth dam construction for irrigation, afforestation and agro forestry in poor and vulnerable communities of Zimbabwe.
2.5.3. To provide tailored capacity building to communities on water and environmental issues
2.5.4. To defend the citizens of Zimbabwe from environmental policies that perpetuates poverty and prejudice the citizenry their right to water.
2.5.5. To undertake targeted advocacy with influential development agencies, community based organizations and strategic government departments that shape environmental and water policies in Zimbabwe and Africa.
2.5.6. To promote innovative systems and interdisciplinary approaches that address issues of water and environmental pollution and Environmental degradation.
2.5.7. To enhance and coordinate community initiatives on the equitable access to water and mainstreaming of local governance in water related issues.
2.5.8. Establishment of platforms where citizens come up with a unified voice and collective action on access and provision of water in Zimbabwe.
2.5.9. To network with other organizations/institutions regionally and internationally that fights privatization and commoditization of water.
2.5.10. To carry out programs that ensure the provision and access to clean water, toilets and other sanitary facilities in disaster and non-disaster affected areas of Zimbabwe.
2.6.1. To lobby and Advocate for equal access to natural resources, create assistance models for women in agriculture and mining and ensure equal market access for products from all participating women in Zimbabwe.
2.6.2. To enhance and promote the economic empowerment of women through the agricultural and mining sectors.
2.6.7. To carry out any activities with the intention of service and profit making for the benefit of women in the agricultural and mining sectors.
2.6.8. To augment meaningful participation of women in mining and in agriculture in line with national development frameworks especially the Broad Based Women’s Economic Empowerment
2.7.1 To lobby and advocate for use, facilitate access to all forms of renewable energy across all sectors and communities of the citizenry, so as to reduce financial indebtedness on communities and reduce environmental hazards. This encompasses use of solar energy for electricity, bio energy for cooking and lighting, thus reducing financial burden on all citizens.
Kindly advise
Moyo D
@Moyo. Kindly note that all applications need to follow the process outline and should be sent by email to awdf [at] awdf [dot] org. Thanks
our organization wants to apply for this fund but we dont know how to get the application form including the financial management assessment forms. Would you kindly help us access these forms
The forms have been updated at the bottom of the posting! Please find the Application Guidelines and Financial Management Assessment Form.
We are an organization working in kibera slum, Nairobi, Kenya. We are interested in submitting a proposal because the thematic areas mentioned are our core areas of interest in addressing women issues in kibera. Thank you
Eco-Agric Uganda a none governmental organisation is also going to submit a proposal.
Thank you
I have a problem with this criteria condition:- Eligibility Criteria
Applicant Organisation must have been in existence for at least 3 years
If I have managed to exist for 3 years then I have made it past the period in which I really neeed the help. Why cant project merrit alone without “years of experience” be considered?
We ar an NGO from Nigeria owned by a women ,we ar interested to apply to your organisation
We v common goals in your thematic areas ,we v innovative ideas but lack of funds cos it’s an Ngo.we will be honoured if you welcome and support us .thank you .
I’m Dr Jean Claude from Bukavu, DRC, member of the pax romana and the executive secretary of the MSD ngo, with is a caritave organisation of medical doctors.
Surviving to Striving (STS)Uganda,is a community based organisation which empowers Women and Youth in Yumbe District.
We focus on sustainable livelihood and SMES in Yumbe District,
This fund will help us improve the current activities of sts uganda and raise the conditions of women and promote Girl child Education.
katete District Women development Association is Community based organization based in Zambia Eastern Province It s women representation in all position Management and Board . Last year we submitted a proposal up to now to have not received any feedback a part from the confirmation of the proposal that have received .Do we need to submit again.
Please advise
PEOPLE is an organization that works and owned by people with disabilities of all types of impairments. We have heard how you are calling for proposals from women groups. With our organization the majority are women but we also work with disabled men and children. So this to inquire if we can also be allowed to apply. We have our micro enterprises and our office is found at Boma at Vector Control unit behind in Fort Portal, Kabarole District.
This organization is operating in the whole of East
Division, Fort Portal Municipality , Kabarole District in
the Republic of Uganda . The organization comprises groups
of disabled children, disabled women and disabled men of
both types of impairments (the lame, the crippled, the
paralyzed, the deaf, the dumb and other forms)
These people were mobilized and brought together in order to
have a common voice and be encouraged to access support. All
of them are courageous people who can also work with all
their efforts to earn a living.
These people need moving appliances i.e., wheel chairs,
crutches, artificial limbs, hearing machines, metallic
walking sticks, white canes and any other kind of help that
can make their everyday life easy. These disabled people are
always urged to start income generating projects. From the
observation we have they feel comfortable with savings and
credit scheme. We tried and introduced this savings and
credit scheme, it worked well but the only problem this was
borrowed money from a microfinance Institution who ended up
taking all the interests. Yes we worked, we were using this
money to boost our business but they took all the benefits
at the end of it all. There is another income generating
project which is being suggested that is of grain milling.
This project is also expected to earn income for the
disabled people as different kinds of grains are commonly
grown in the area. Some of the disabled people have families
and their children need to go to
School .There is a lot that is needed to be done for these
disabled people. So our humble request is to be considered
with a grant or any other assistance possible to initiate
our proposed projects. We seek for any possible support. We
are looking forward from hearing from you soon. Thank you
very much. God bless you.Our offices are at Boma near
Auditor general office in Fort portal where there is vector
control unit behind.
Yours faithfully,
On behalf of East Division Group of Disabled People.
Asaba Patrick
TEL: +256782129560
hello thanks alot for the work you are doing ,my name is mukombe ben from uganda and am the C.E.O of care for children ministries uganda .we are seeking for some funding .our email is
i like this.
HIV/AIDS componet
Have already prepared and send through the proposal. Went according the guidelines but felt a lot is needed to motivate the proposal as guided by the guidelines.
Statistics from social welfare and health agencies in the host demographic will be used to gauge the impact of the project post.
hoping for a positive response
Gauteng,South Africa
I am a bit confused about the size of your main grants.
The call for proposals indicates $10 000 – $20 000 and the grant application guidelines suggests $5 000 – $50 000 on the website ( and $1 000 – $25 000 on the Word document.
Could you clarify what is the maximum size of the grants?
We are an organization working in Puntland , Somalia. We are interested in submitting a proposal because the organization address women and work area is Vulnerable group i. Thank you
Also, does this need to be completed for the application, or is it only for grantees?
my name is reuben amalemba fro mt view like minded buisiness c.b.o our grp deals with marginalised women infected and the affected o.v.cs we are doing atraining on prevention of mother to child transmission
No comment
Monsoon Youth Group is a local registered Community based Organization working with women in the informal settlement in Kenya specifically in Nairobi City.
we have just read the proposal guidelines and soon we shall send a copy of our project proposal in order to scale up our activities livelihood project in addressing the many issues and challenges affecting our women living in the slums.
we will get back to you soon thanks
thanks and keep up the good service to humanity
from cecilia – programs manager
@Moyo, thank you very much for expressing interest in the call. Unfortunately AWDF’s current thematic areas do not cover main stream education as explained in your write up
@Charity I do understand your concerns however, AWDF like all other grant making organization have accountability concerns and therefore have policies and procedures for ensuring that the grants given out are effectively used for the purpose agreed upon. Being an Organisation that works across the African continent and working with diverse capacities of organisations, many of whom we are unable to visit before partnering, one of the criteria adopted to ensure that applying groups and organisations exist in reality and are not formed purposely to respond to a particular call is to ensure that organisations we deal with are working on the ground. And the number of years an organization has been in existence is one of the indicators we use.
@Vainess, apologies for the long silence please expect an email from us
@Patrick, AWDF supports projects that work with women on the African continent. If your association works with women, is registered and has been in existence for three years you are welcome to apply. Please note that this is a competitive bid
@Suzanne Please note that for this particular call for proposal, the grant size is for a maximum of $20,000. All applying organisations must complete the financial management assessment form
@All For all those expressing interest in the call you are welcome to apply. Please note that the deadline for submission of application is 31st of July 2014. AWDF has acknowledged receipt of all applications that have been sent in. Please if you have sent in an application and you have not received an acknowledgement, kindly resend the application. Thanks
Thank you very much Beatrice for your clarification. I would also like to know since the financial management assessment form is a PDF document, is it alright if printed, filled in manually, scanned and then sent to AWDF? Or we can convert as a word document?
Nous féliciton les Femmes Africaines pour cette initiative d’aider les différentes catégories des Femmes en problème pour leurs prises de consciences et le travaille qu’elles doivent abattent pour rélevé leurs pouvoir économique en fin de leurs autonomisation et sur tout la pérennisation de leurs activités jusqu’à la base.
Nous promettons une large diffusion au niveau surtout de la Femme rurale et celle travaillant dans les carrières minières.
Having seen the number of activities AWDF carries out which are in line with ours for which Foundation for women in development – Rwenzori (FOWID-R) was formed like,
• Training in vocational skills like tailoring and weaving which earns women a living for survival. The organization being rural based was established to push women higher in areas of economic empowerment. Wherever women are involved in productive activities like tailoring and weaving of mats, packing baskets and traditional eating trays for calo (cassava flour) are taken to markets and end up earning a living.
• Creating awareness on the fundamental rights of women like equalization of women to men on the political arena, this is always done by conducting workshops and seminars with other women groups so as to bring them together speak in public in contribute ideas on certain agendas. This makes them not only house hold attendants but also community development facilitators as they fight for theirs issues to be pushed in higher offices for implementation.
• Training women on life safety measures of overcoming dangers that hit them during their execution of their domestic duties. the fact that women are always on the fore front of being involved in numerous activities which are not always safe like when they go and fetch water and fire wood, they end traveling long distances even when it is late evening (during darkness) rainy seasons, busy areas where they can face a number of challenges like wild animals, they be raped and others are murdered by unknown aslant. Therefore need to create awareness on these issues like encouraging the put protection gam boots.
• Training and involving women in the socio- economic and political spheres like involving them in tree planting and sensitizing them on the value of wetlands & swamps since they are the ones who look for firewood and water for domestic duties so as to change women for the better,
• Sensitizing women on the ways of preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS since they can be the determinants of saying NO to any thing that would help in spreading the disease so as to reduce on the scourge and its negative impacts in the community,
• Training women on small scale income generating activities like poultry and rabbit rearing, kitchen gardens for vegetables to improve nutrition for sustainability and hence reduce dependence to men their counter parts who some times abuse them because they are aware of being the sole providers of every thing at home where women are taken as recipients only.
Can organizations based in the U.S. who serve African women apply for this grant?
its good to consider small grassroots organizations because they are the ones on the ground.These big organizations have always left out critical issues yet they are the issues that need attention most.
Advocacy does not only mean high level conferencing ,but VIGOROUS community involvement.Once the communities FEEL INVOLVED,their mindsets are changed,and then its easy to influence other policy levels using different strategies.
otherwise thanks for the great work you are doing.
Good afternoon, my NGO would like to apply for a grand and I’ve been reading and re-reading but I’m still not sure whether applicants are expected to fill in the financial management assessment questionnaire or whether an audited account of last financial year will do?
I’m asking because when I open to questionnaire document it seems to be meant for grantees not for applicants?
Thank you in advance.
we have our organization Zanzibar Female Lawyers Association which deal with women and children in Zanzibar Tanzania, we want to know the procedure and deadline for application of fund because w are interested to send a proposal
when will the results of the selection process be announced to the organizations that applied?
@Suzanne; Thanks Suzanne, Organisations who have applied will hear from AWDF at the beginning of December 2014 – Beatrice – AWDF Grants Manager
The problem for HIV spread is due to the fact that Culture is a good concept of life and it is admirable to uphold ones culture. However, there are those that break and those that make. In a situation where the culture of a particular people compromises their health, it is advisable to make adjustments. Ignorance is also no defense for victims of any situation. In the case of Tanzania, the people succumb to the HIV virus because of ignorance and rigidity in their culture. They are reluctant to adjust to the new methods adopted to prevent further spread of the disease. This has caused the country financially, economically and socially. The basics of their culture need not be changed entirely, though the traditions should be more cautious on the health of individuals and the community at large. People should learn to embrace change and seek knowledge of the matters that surround their health and livelihood. For the two past years our organization: Economic and social Organization(ESO) has been effectively raising awareness on HIV/AIDS prevention programs in schools on has been educating young girls in reproductive health services to access family planning in order to do away with unintended pregnancies which culminate to unsafe abortion and ultimately contribute to maternal deaths in the community. This project will be specifically focused on out of school girls aged 18-24 in Dar es Salaam Squatters of Mwananyamara and Tandale these areas are inhabited with population segment with traditional values. The implementation approach will be through pear friendly education and referral mechanism.
Adarhowilliams care foundation is an NGO run by a team of passionate women for training and empowering widows,single parents,and the less privelleged,we ll like to apply for this grant and we will be grateful if granted.
judyth king
Iam appreciating the work of AWDF in the empowerment of vulnerable community women in Africa continent that needs greater help. It is always said that, instead of giving fish to person to eat, learn that person how to catch fish from the stream. This wise sayings is currently a perfect strategy that the management of AWDF is applying by making vulnerable women feel self reliant. Empowerment of women is not just a single approach, but a multi- dimensional approach, so AWDF thematic areas focused on the multi dimensional approach in their fight to empower women and young girls. Onbehalf of the management of Community Initiative Strategies for Empowerment Against Poverty (CISEAP Sierra Leone), iam kindly extending a big thank you and appreciation to the management of AWDF to continue supporting the women’s community based organizations in Africa to continue their sustainability women’s empowerment projects.
Mamie Douffi Kamara
Executive Director
CISEAP – Sierra Leone
Kenema, Eastern Region of Sierra Leone.
Our community based women’s organization(CISEAP Sierra Leone) working on the advancement and empowerment of women through micro Enterprise Development projects and the engagement of women and young girls on their current livelihood sustainable project on Soya beans cultivation of 7 Seven Acres of Land as an alternative project support for increasing the access of our community women to finance so as to encourage them undertake large scale income generating activities in our project regions in Kenema, Eastern Sierra Leone.
We currently applied for the AWDF Small grant loan program, and we are hoping of getting assistance from the AWDF Management inorther to scale up our community development project of revolving loan grant facility to our women and young girls.
Wow! Regional Deaf Women Initiative Network missed this opportunity by a whisker. I hope to get future updates next year maybe? Our deaf women and girls lag behind in development, education, human right, HIVAids awareness. They are more vulnerable to rape and domestic violence due to communication barrier, lack of awareness etc. We at RDWIN strive to ensure that these unfortunate members of our society get the necessary information using accessible format to be at par with our colleagues who have ears. I will be watching out next time. Cheers AWDF for the good work, we are proud to be associated with you.
The Women to Children Foundation is an NGO run by committed women on behalf of Tanzania women community to end women and children violence and abuses. In which i am a Executive Director.
Hello AWDF i do appreciate for your strategies to combat women violence and embracing rights all over the Africa, thank you and be braced.
Strengthening capacity to women Ngo will help them to access fund to other donors thus helping our fellow marginalized women and children in Africa, so making this as a priority in your organization will ensure the accessibility of funds to many women NGO who focus directly with targeted group for the needy.
Let us combat Ebola which is on pick in our continent.
Educating a woman your educating a society while educating a man your educating and individual.
Welcome in Tanzania
Mrs. Matilda Luvanda
Iam very proud of the good work of AWDF but at the same time, hoping that, AWDF will scale- up and extend their Ebola support to Sierra Leone instead of Liberia alone. There are series of other women’s organizations in Sierra Leone that are in need of support to undertake community social mobilization and psycho-social activities to supports vulnerable Ebola affected women in Sierra Leone. Our organization (CISEAP – Sierra Leone)has done a lots of outreach community sensitization and psychosocial supports to Ebola affected women in kenema, eastern region of Sierra. We are asking AWDF to extend similar support to women’s organizations based in kenema for the fight against the deadly Ebola disease.
Mamie Douffi Kamara
Executive Director
Community Initiative Strategies for Empowerment Against Poverty
I am I late to apply for this grant? If not when is the closing date.
Hello, please visit the grant making section of our website for details on the process and how to apply!
Here is the address:
KOPFARM will like to present to you a bread making food security project proposal on behalf of 54 rural women living in the Ebola stricken community in the township of Kenema, Sierra Leone. Your advice on the above is highly anticipated.
i am the director of Disabled Youths Development Seekers( Sierra Leone). it is a disabled organisation which work for young disabled women living in the street .So how can we be part of the grant
would like to work with you
It is my pleasure to write this email to you and introduce our organization to you.
Girls can play a crucial role in solving the most persistent development problems we face in the world today.
Tulia is a program under Generation Guiders Community Based Organization registered in Nairobi Kenya.
It was established after realizing many girls especially those from poor backgrounds are faced with tough challenges that interferes with their learning in school.
Tulia is a reproductive health program for 11 to 18 year-old girls. The program gives the girls a place to express themselves through dance, poetry, acting, scriptwriting, public speaking, group discussions and photography. The program help girls explore the issues that are prevalent in their daily lives; violence against women, rape, prostitution, HIV/AIDS, female genital mutilation, poverty, sexual abuse, unequal access to education, lack of reproductive health care and right information.
We are looking for grant to be able to continue with this program effectively to reach out to young adolescent girls who are suffering in Africa without no hopes for tomorrow.
How Can you help us, we believe in you and we trust that with your input on how to get grants many needy girls will benefit in this program.
With Kind Regards
Erick Omondi
Dear Sir/Madam.
I would like to find out if you do support International Organizations and whether you give support to northern Uganda Karamoja region.
Jimmy Adenga.
I am very grateful for the work AWDF is doing to empower women globally…..Looking forward to working with you.
Hi, I have sent mails to your email addresses since July with no response.
As a former grantee of AWDF are
the reference letters still applicable?
What is the ID for this grant?
Dear Louisa,
Sorry to have missed your emails. Please send your email to The grants department will take it up directly. Kind regards, Amba
Are organizations from Uganda, eligible. Please let me know. Thank you
Good Day,
My name is Christopher Miles i am a citizen of the United State of America i want to testify of the good Loan Lender who showed light to me after been scammed by 4 different Internet international lender, they all promise to give me a loan after making me pay alot of fees which yield nothing and amounted to no positive result. i lost my hard earn money and it was a total of 8,000USD. One day as i was browsing through the internet looking forsterated when i came across a testimony man who was also scammed and eventually got linked to a legit loan company called Mike Johnson Loan ( where he finally got his loan, so i decided to contact the same loan company and then told them my story on how i have been scammed by 4 different lenders who did nothing but to course me more pain. I explain to the company by mail and all they told me was to cry no more because i will get my loan in their company and also i have made the right choice of contacting them. i filled the loan application form and proceeded with all that was requested of me and I was given a loan amount of $600,000.00 Dollars by this great Company (Mike Johnson Firm} managed by Mr Mike Johnson and here i am today happy with my family because Mike Johnson Firm has given me a loan so i made a vow to my self that i will keep testifying on the internet on how i got my loan. Do you need a loan urgently? kindly and quickly contact Mike Johnson Firm now for your loan via email: ( i believe other people are also giving testimony on this same honest lender..
hi, the links above…(AWDF Grant aplication Guideline) have no attatchements…please help
Bienvenue à Bhude Scott Organisation de prêt formé pour aider les gens dans les besoins d’aide, tels que l’aide financière. Donc, si vous allez à travers des difficultés financières ou vous êtes dans tous les gâchis financier, et vous avez besoin de fonds pour démarrer votre propre entreprise ou vous avez besoin de prêt pour régler votre dette ou payer vos factures, commencer une belle entreprise, ou vous trouvez qu’il est difficile d’obtenir des prêts de capitaux auprès des banques locales, contactez-nous aujourd’hui par courriel: pour la bible dit “” Luc 11:10 Tout le monde qui demande reçoit; celui qui cherche trouve; et à celui qui frappe, la porte sera ouverte “Alors ne laissez pas ces occasion vous passer parce que Jésus est le même hier, aujourd’hui et pour toujours plus d’informations S’il vous plaît ceux-ci est pour de graves esprit et Dieu Les gens craignant. Si vous êtes financièrement l’aube et vous avez besoin d’un prêt de bien vouloir nous contacter par email:
Votre nom…
Nom de famille…
Valide carte d’identité …
Votre revenu mensuel ….
Montant du prêt nécessaire ….
Durée du prêt ….
Valable numéro de téléphone cellulaire ….
Merci pour votre compréhension.
Nous offrons des prêts personnels jusqu’à concurrence de 100 000 $. Vous cherchez un prêt d’entreprise et avez été refusé par une banque. Nous pouvons vous aider avec des prêts de 5 000 $ à un montant maximum de 100 000 $ qui vous aideront à reconstruire votre entreprise et à vous récupérer. Peut vous mettre sur un chemin vers un meilleur avenir financier.
Juste à temps, vous pouvez appliquer en quelques minutes et obtenir votre argent le même jour.
Ne tardez pas! Envoyez-nous un courrier électronique. {} ou rendez-nous visite à l’un de nos 200 emplacements à travers le monde pour voir comment nous pouvons vous aider.
Merci de nous avoir contacté,
Meilleurs voeux
MR Samsul Alam